Posting graphs in GraphViz notation is now possible

The GraphViz plugin is now enabled on this forum. Here’s an example of how to post a graph in GraphViz DOT notation:

digraph {
	1 [label=A];
	2 [label=B];
	3 [label=C];
	4 [label=D];
	5 [label=E];
	6 [label=F];
	7 [label=G];
	8 [label=H];
	9 [label=I];
	10 [label=J];
	1 -> 3;
	1 -> 4;
	1 -> 5;
	1 -> 6;
	1 -> 7;
	1 -> 8;
	2 -> 3;
	2 -> 4;
	2 -> 5;
	3 -> 5;
	3 -> 6;
	3 -> 10;
	4 -> 5;
	4 -> 7;
	5 -> 8;
	5 -> 9;
	6 -> 8;
	6 -> 9;
	8 -> 9;
	8 -> 10;

When the above code is included in a forum post, it will render as follows:

1 A 3 C 1->3 4 D 1->4 5 E 1->5 6 F 1->6 7 G 1->7 8 H 1->8 2 B 2->3 2->4 2->5 3->5 3->6 10 J 3->10 4->5 4->7 5->8 9 I 5->9 6->8 6->9 8->9 8->10