How can I reproduce the results of sample_tree() ?

At the beginning of mine igraph session I did run:

set.seed <- 1L
g  <- sample_tree(1e1, directed = TRUE)
V(g)[which(degree(g, mode="out")== 0)]

This gives:

[1] "2022-09-26 20:12:07 CEST"
+ 6/10 vertices, from bb5712c:
[1]  1  3  7  8  9 10

Then I tried the same code that produced something different:

[1] "2022-09-26 20:12:09 CEST"
+ 3/10 vertices, from bc890d8:
[1] 1 3 5

Apparently the set.seed(1L) command is not sufficient to guarantee the same results.

How should this be done?

I believe this should be set.seed(1L) instead.

Indeed. Thanks.

set.seed <- 1 assigns an integer to the name set.seed, rather then initializing the random procedure.