When trying to generate colors or change the weight of edges when using igraph I’m generating the error “length of NULL cannot be changed.”
Specifically when running these codes:
colrs <- c("skyblue", "orchid2", "peachpuff")
V(net)$color <- colrs[V(net)$source]
I get:
Warning message:
In length(vattrs[[name]]) <- vc : length of NULL cannot be changed
When I run the code:
E(net)$width <- E(net)$weight/6
I get the same error. Has anyone gotten similar errors and know what to do with them in this context? Thank you
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I am unable reproduce your problem. Please post a minimal working example of your problem. Perhaps it would then be possible to identify the problem.
Were you able to identify a solution to this issue?
@bimaben As stated above, in order to help, we need a minimal example that demonstrates the problem. See here for guidance: How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example - Help Center - Stack Overflow
14 December 2022 13:56
net <- graph_from_literal(A-B, A-C)
colrs <- c("skyblue", "orchid2", "peachpuff")
V(net)$color <- colrs[V(net)$source]
V(net)$color <- character(0)
E(net)$width <- E(net)$weight/6
E(net)$width <- numeric(0)
These error messages occur because V(g)$color
and E(g)$weight
do not exists and dependent expressions are coerced to character(0)
and numeric(0)