## brouwer-haemers-graph.r
## Unlicense (Ø) 2023 CLP, MR-Amsterdam.
## -------------------------------------
## Strongly regular graphs SRG(v, k, λ, μ).
## Wikipedia (en), Strongly regular graph.
## Paley graphs, SRG(v = 4t + 1, k = 2t, λ = t − 1, μ = t).
## Brouwer Haemers graph. SRG(v = 81, k = 22, λ = 1, μ = 6).
## References.
## Andries E. Brouwer & Hendrik Van Maldeghem, Strongly regular graphs, Amsterdam and Ghent, March 2021.
## Ch. 7.4.4 Paley graphs, Ch.10.28 The Brouwer-Haemers graph.
## [🔗](https://homepages.cwi.nl/~aeb/math/srg/rk3/srgw.pdf)
## Brouwer, A.E.; Haemers, W.H, Structure and uniqueness of the (81, 20, 1, 6) strongly regular graph, Tilburg University.
## [🔗](https://pure.uvt.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/996688/structur.pdf)
## Brouwer, A.E., Paley graphs.
## [🔗](https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/graphs/Paley.html)
## Brouwer, A.E., Brouwer-Haemers graph
## [🔗](https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/graphs/Brouwer-Haemers.html)
## Code layout.
## (i) Theory, modern algebra
## (ii) Finite field operations and structures
## (iii) Creating finite fields
## (iv) Calculating residuals
## (v) Creating and plotting the graph
## (vi) Statistics
## (vii) Examples
## ----------------------------------------------------------------- (i)
## Some modern algebra (Artin, Galois Theory, p28).
## q is prime. Zq, or Z/qZ, integers modulo q, %% q in R, Zq is a field (K) iff q is prime.
## https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/252046/the-paley-graph-with-9-vertices
## q is a prime power p^d. GF(m)[X]/P is a field iff P is a prime ideal.
## Let K[x] be the polynomials with coefficients in K.
## Let p(x) be polynomial anx^n + an-1x^n-1 ... a0.
## Let p(x)K[x] be ideal P, consisting of all polynomials with factor p(x).
## Let F = K[x]/P be the ring of cosets. A field iff p is irreducible in K.
## Let q be the order of F. Note that P is the zero-element in F.
## F is homeomorphic to K(ξ) the field of formal expressions an-1ξ^n-1 ... a0.ξ^0.
## Powers of ξ less then n are linearly independent and
## ξ^n ≡ -(an-1ξ^n-1 ... a0.ξ^0).
## An element is represented in R as vector c(an-1, ... a0).
## ξ^k corresponds with position q-k in vector c(...).
## Multiplication is implemented as shift register (to the left).
## Let p(x) = x^2 + x + 2, coefficients in K = Z3, -1 ≡ 2.
## ξ^2 ≡ -1ξ - 2, or ξ^2 ≡ 2ξ + 1 this generates the cyclic field F9:
## ξ^0 = 1, ξ1 = ξ, ξ2 = 2ξ + 1, ξ3 = 2ξ + 2, ξ4 = 2, ξ5 = 2 ξ6 = ξ, ξ7 = ξ + 2, ξ8 = ξ + 1.
## Irreducible, primitive polynomials over GF(3)
## https://baylor-ir.tdl.org/bitstream/handle/2104/8793/GF3%20Polynomials.pdf?sequence=1
## ------------------------------------------------------------------- (ii)
## Primitive polynomials over finite fields GF(q).
## p(x) = m GF(m), m is prime, d=1.
## px <- c()
## Rook's graph, generelized quadrangle, GQ(2,1).
## p(x) = x^2 + x + 2 GF(3^2). m=3, d=2.
## px <- -c(1, 2) # primitive polynomial in K.
## p(x) = x^2 + x + 2 GF(5^2). m=5.
## px <- -c(1, 2) # primitive polynomial in K.
## p(x) = x^2 + x + 2 GF(7^2). m=7.
## px <- -c(1, 3) # primitive polynomial in K.
## p(x) = x^2 + x + 7 GF(11^2). m=11.
## px <- -c(1,7) # primitive polynomial in K.
## p(x) = x^2 + x + 2 GF(13^2). m=13.
## px <- -c(1,2) # primitive polynomial in K.
## p(x) = x^3 + x + 2 GF(5^3). m=5, d = 3.
## px <- -c(1,1,3) # primitive polynomial in K.
## BrHa Brouwers Haemers graph when TRUE
## p(x) = x^4 + x + 2 GF(3^4). m=3, d=4.
## px <- -c(0, 0, 1, 2) # primitive polynomial in K.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
BrHa <- TRUE # Adjacent vertices differ nonzero fourth power.
m <- 3 # K = GF(m), E = GF(m^d).
px <- -c(0,0,1,2) # Primitive polynomial in K.
d <- length(px) # d is degree of extension.
## calculate powers of ξ^n, ξ^n+1
pwx <- list()
nxt <- rep(0, d); nxt[1] <- 1
for (i in seq_len(d-1) ) {
nxt <- (c(tail(nxt, d-1), 0) + head(nxt, 1) * px) %% m
pwx[[i]] <- nxt
## multiply by ξ and reduce
gf_shift <- function(x, px, q=m) { n <- length(px); (c(tail(x, n-1), 0) + head(x, 1) * px) %% q }
## multiply in quotient ring K[x]/P)
## polynom package
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39979884/calculate-the-product-of-two-polynomial-in-r
gf_mult <- function(a, b, px=px, q=m) {
n <- length(a)
ab <- outer(a, b)
p <- as.vector(tapply(ab, row(ab) + col(ab), sum))
## reduce powers x^q, x^q+1
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
p[- (1:n-1)] <- tail(p, n) + pwx[[i]] * p[n - i]
return(tail(p, n) %% q)
## ---------------------------------------- (iii)
## create Galois field of order q (GFq).
## points in GF(q) == graph vertices.
if (d > 1) {
start <- rep(0, d); start[d] <- 1
alpha <- c(rep(0, d-2), c(1,0))
nxt <- start
GFq <- list(rep(0, d)) # Galois field including zero.
for (i in seq_len(m^d)+1) {
GFq[i] <- list(nxt)
nxt <- gf_mult(nxt, alpha) # Shift left and reduce, multiply by ξ.
if (all(nxt == start)) break # Full cycle iff polynomial is primitive.
} else {
GFq <- seq_len(m)-1 # Short cut as we do not know the primitive element.
split(GFq, seq_along(GFq)) # transpose vector
q <- length(GFq) # Order of field.
stopifnot(q > 1) # Non trivial.
if (q != m^d) warning("Polynomial px is not primitive.") # Warning.
if (q %% 4 != 1) warning("Not a Paley graph") # Warning.
## ----------------------------------------------------------- (iv)
## calculate all quadratic residuals in (QR).
QR <- list()
for ( i in seq_along(GFq[]) ){
vtx <- GFq[[i]]
if (BrHa && q == 81) vtx <- gf_mult(vtx, vtx) # ^2
QR[[i]] <- gf_mult(vtx, vtx) # ^2
QR <- unique(QR)
## ------------------------------------------------------------- (v)
## Calculate edges for all vertex pairs in upper half (el)
## Determmine difference k, i.
## If difference is a nonzero quadratic residual then create edge
idx <- 0
df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0, dimnames=list(NULL, c("to", "from", "diff"))))
for (i in seq_len(q-1)){
for (k in seq(i+1, q) ){
idx <- idx + 1
diff <- GFq[[k]] - GFq[[i]] # difference between point k, i.
diff <- (diff + m) %% m # all positive.
stopifnot(!all(diff == 0)) # nonzero
df[idx,] <- c(i, k, list(list(diff)) )
qresi <- match(df[,3], QR) # index in residuals QR.
df[, "qr-idx"] <- qresi
el <- df[!is.na(df[,"qr-idx"]),] # Remove non residuals.
## plot and statistics
g <- graph_from_data_frame(el, directed = FALSE)
k <- mean(min(degree(g)), max(degree(g)))
g$layout <- layout_in_circle(g)
g$main <- paste0(ifelse(!exists("BrHa") || BrHa, "Brouwer, Haemers", "Payley"), " graph (v = ", q, ", k = ", k, ")")
V(g)$size <- 5
V(g)$label <- NA
c(q * (q-1) / 4, ecount(g))
## ----------------------------------------------------------- (vi)
ev <- round(eigen(g[])$values, digits = 6)
nev <- length(unique(ev))
t <- (q-1) / 4
message(sprintf("Vertices : %i" , vcount(g)))
message(sprintf("Degree (k) : %i, %i" , 2*t/(BrHa+1), k ))
message(sprintf("Eigenvalues (r, s, #) : %.1f, %.1f, %i", max(ev), min(ev), nev) )
message(sprintf("Diameter : %i" , diameter(g)) )
message(sprintf("Radius : %i" , radius(g)) )
message(sprintf("Girth (shortes cycle) : %i" , girth(g)$girth) )
message(sprintf("Independent set (α) : %i" , length(largest_ivs(g)[[1]])) )
message(sprintf("Edge connectivity : %.1f" , edge_connectivity(g)) )
message(sprintf("Edges : %.1f, %i", q * t/ (BrHa+1), ecount(g) ))
message(sprintf("Automorphisms : %.1f, %s", d*q*(q-1) / 2, automorphisms(g)$group_size) )
stopifnot(min(degree(g)) == max(degree(g)))
stopifnot(max(ev) == max(degree(g)))
stopifnot(nev == 3)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/graphs/srg/srgtab.html
## SRG parameters.
## v - number of vertices
## k - valency, degree
## λ - number of common neighbours of two adjacent vertices (lambda)
## μ - number of common neighbours of two nonadjacent vertices (mu)
## r^f - positive eigenvalue with multiplicity
## s^f - negative eigenvalue with multiplicity
## Paley graph
## https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/graphs/Paley.html
## For q = 4t + 1, the parameters are v = 4t + 1, k = 2t, λ = t − 1, μ = t.
## q 5 9 13 17 25 29 37 41 49 53 61 73 81 89 97 101 109 113 121 125 137 149 157 169 173 181 193 197
## α 2 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 7 5 5 5 9 5 6 5 6 7 11 7 7 7 7 13 8 7 7 8
## χ 3 3 5 6 5 8 10 9 7 11 13 15 9 18 17 21 19 17 11 18 20 22 23 13 22 26 28 25
## https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/graphs/Brouwer-Haemers.html
## Brouwer Haemers graph, v = 81, k = 20, λ = 1, μ = 6, α = 15, χ = 6 of 7(E van Dam).
## Radius = 2, Diameter = 2, Girth = 3.
## Automorphisms : 233,280 (2^6 * 3^6 * 5)
## ------------------------------------------------------------- (vii)
## Manual construction of the Paley graph for primes, q = 13.
q <- 13
g13 <- graph_from_literal( 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-0 # (1)
, 0-3-6-9-12-2-5-8-11-1-4-7-10-0 # (3)
, 0-4-8-12-3-7-11-2-6-10-1-5-9-0 # (4)
dev.new(); plot(g13, layout=layout_in_circle)
# Or more general for q is prime.
q <- 13; QRg <- c(1,3,4)
q <- 17; QRg <- c(1,2,3,5)
q <- 5; QRg <- c(1)
g2 <- graph_from_data_frame(data.frame(from=numeric(), to=numeric()),
directed = FALSE,
vertices = seq(q) - 1)
for (h in QRg) {
g2 <- g2 + path(as.character(seq(from=0, to=q*h, by=h) %% q) )
dev.new(); plot(g2, layout=layout_in_circle)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
## compute generators of quadratic residues mod q, q is prime (QR).
q <- 29
q1 <- (seq(q/2) * seq(q/2)) %% q
q2 <- c(q1, -q1 + q)
QRg <- sort(unique(q2[q2 < q/2]))