Position of edge labels with Python igraph

I am trying to create a simple graph visualization of two nodes with directed edges, matplotlib backend. I would like to have the edge labels in the middle of the edge, but at the moment they are printed overlapping the vertexes. See image below

Is there an attribute to set for the edge_label position? I have seen something in the version 0.9.1 but it doesn’t seem available in the latest documentation.

Here the code for reproducibility

### Reproducibility
# OS windows 11
# Python 3.8.18
# matplotlib 3.7.5
# Pandas 2.0.3
# networkx 3.1
# igraph 0.11.6

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import igraph as ig

if __name__ == "__main__":
    target_vals = [0,1]
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=target_vals, columns=target_vals, data=[[1,2],[3,4]])

    G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(data, create_using=nx.DiGraph)
    h = ig.Graph.from_networkx(G)

    layout = h.layout_circle()
    ig.plot(h, layout=layout, target=ax[0], vertex_label=target_vals, vertex_size=60, edge_loop_size=50, edge_curved=0.3, edge_label=h.es['weight'])
    ig.plot(h, layout=layout, target=ax[1], vertex_label=target_vals, vertex_size=60, edge_loop_size=50, edge_curved=False, edge_label=h.es['weight'])