I am struggling with something appears odd. But it might be that I am the one off track.
I have a graph:
IGRAPH UN-- 8111 7531 –
+ attr: name (v)
When I run
cliques = graph.cliques(min=k, max=k)
and k=3
it returns 43906 cliques,
instead if k=4
, it returns 231018 cliques. 5 times more.
If I am not mistaken, the higher is the size of the clique, the less cliques we would identify from the same network. Am I right?
But still I can’t explain why increasing k, increases the number of cliques.
Do you think, there is a problem with the implementation?
To help reproduce my probem, I am sharing the pickled network Dropbox - test_graph.pickle - Simplify your life.
To load it just run:
graph = Graph.Read_Pickle("test_graph.pickle")
Looking forward to hearing your insights.