I am new to SNA and the use of igraph has made me so frustrated that I wish to give up this project.
Despite my gymnastics, I and constantly getting the following error
Error in graph_from_data_frame(dedge, directed = “TRUE”, vertices = dnode) : Duplicate vertex names
There are at least 20 nodes which are isolated ones. How to code them ? There is some problem there ( I guess)
As the error message says, you provided duplicate vertices. A small example showing this is as follows.
This works:
vertices = c(1,2,3))
This fails because vertex 3
is provided twice:
vertices = c(1,2,3,3))
If you are not sure how this happens with your data, construct a minimal example.
You are an angel ! It worked smoothly. Many thanks. Wish to stay connected with you on LINKED IN
Alternatively my email ID is I reside in India Regards SHRINIVAS