Make changes locally on python igraph

Dear all,
I want to check a few functionalities I have created and add them in python igraph but I want to do it locally. But i am facing issues while doing it.
I have done the following steps

  1. Created a venv
  2. Tried to create an editable using python command.

I m facing the error :
Could not build wheels for igraph which is required to install pyproject.toml -based projects

The way I work with the Python interface on my machine is as follows:

  1. I start from a fresh Github checkout: git clone
  2. I install the vendored igraph source with git submodule update --init --recursive.
  3. I create a virtualenv within the folder: python3 -m venv .venv
  4. I update everything within the virtualenv, just in case: .venv/bin/pip install -U pip wheel
  5. hack hack hack
  6. Run the unit tests with ./ This works on Linux or macOS only as it’s a bash script, so if you are on Windows, you can run .venv\bin\pip install -v .[plotting,test] to install the library and its dependencies (also the ones required for plotting or testing), followed by .venv\bin\pytest tests to run the unit tests.