I have been trying to implement a cluster_edge_betweenness() function to find communities. My graph contains 732 vertices and 245786 edges. Moreover, it is a little bit dense. After converting to igraph object I passed this to the cluster_edge_betweenness() function to get the communities. However, I could not get the result(I have waited for 12 hours and my computer/CPU is not very bad). What is the problem, I did not make any mistake but the time is strangely long for this kind of graph.
Here is my code and adjacency matrix:
train_network <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat_users,
mode = "undirected",
diag = FALSE)
train_community_edge <- cluster_edge_betweenness(train_network)
adj_mat_users.csv (1.0 MB)