igraph integrations


When linking a static library, just specify the path to the library, without the -L flag.

The -L flag has a different purpose: the adds to the search path for libraries. Its argument must be a directory, not a library.

To learn how to add new functions to the igraph C library (not the R library, but C for now), go through the following steps in order:

In order to add a new function, programmed in C, to R/igraph, you need to first add it to C/igraph. R/igraph is currently based on an outdated C/igraph 0.8. Once we update R/igraph to use C/igraph 0.9.x, adding new functions to R will become easier.

Information about how R/igraph uses C/igraph is here: What is the best way to edit igraph C functions and call them into R? However, this might change somewhat in the future. I do not recommend that you try to work with the outdated C/igraph 0.8 anymore.

I’m afraid that this is asking for more than what we have resources for at the moment. Let us please keep all communication on this forum. This way whoever has time at this moment may respond.