I’m using python-igraph to find the motifs in a graph with the method motifs_randesu.
And it returns a list of the number of each motif. However, I don’t know what kind of motif each number corresponds to.
For example:
g = IGraph.TupleList(edges, directed=True, vertex_name_attr='name', edge_attrs=None, weights=True)
If you have motif_count = g.motifs_randesu(size=4) then each element of motif_count gives the counts of the motif. That is, if motif_count[i] = n then isoclass i appears n times in the graph. You can construct the graph which motif i corresponds to with Graph.Isoclass(n=4, class=i). See also https://igraph.org/python/doc/igraph.GraphBase-class.html#Isoclass